Thursday, November 30, 2006

Banjo and His Mum photo

I wantedc to post a big of info from Jeff Ellis, the photographer who took "Banjo and His Mum". It was the first photo in a rotating series that I am using on the storefront to represent our relationship with animals. The photo was found on MorgueFiles, where people post images and let you use them however you want (personal, commercial, etc.). In return all they ask for is the a comment or email, telling them.

It's the least one can do, right? Jeff sent me an email back, saying "Despite asking that people do drop the photographer a little note, it is a rare occurance and therefore very gratifying when someone like yourself takes the time to do it. I like your site and wish you every success with
your business venture."

Thanks Jeff!

And as often happens, when one artist gets involved with another, there can be a creative spark. "Your use of the the image has given me the idea to do a photo project of images that reflect your site's philosophy says; images that reflect the bond between a human and their animal companion(s)," Jeff said.

Both he and his wife were down with the flu, and "Banjo himself is having to make do with the garden and is missing his long country walks, poor fella." But I am sure that once everyone is back on their feet, we will see some great things from Jeff. Please visit for more info.

-- Sue

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