Monday, October 30, 2006

Mondays Bite

Once again, Reese is up to her old chewing tricks. This time, the corner of a piece of furniture, but without warning! It wasn't until I heard a snap as she bit a piece off that I realized she was around! Eeeergh!

Perhaps it's just as well that she's found a new cat toy to play with. It's the loofah sponge with hang rope, like the one below, which sits on the outside corner of the bathtub. She walks into the bathroom, stalks it, and gives it a huge smack to send it hurtling into the bathtub. Then she carefully climbs into the tub so as not to alert the loofah, takes a big chomp and hauls it into the foyer for easy chewing. Sometimes the "tail" and sometimes the "body", she's a big fan of the loofah sponge.

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